Assc. Prof. Dr. Kemal Tutuncu

Assc. Prof. Dr. Kemal Tutuncu
He has been working in Electrical and Electronics Department in Technology Faculty since 2000. He got two master degrees; one in Free University of Brussels (Master of Applied of Computer Sciences) and one in Selcuk University (Master in Electronics and Computer Education ). He got his PhD degree in Electronics Engineering.
He has been involved in National and international R&D and social development projects since 2005. He was the coordinator of two ETN projects and two Turkish National Agency-supported projects in favor of Selcuk University. His main research areas are Cryptography, Image Steganography, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Logic Control, Machine Learning and Image Processing.
Dr. Kemal is also a member of the Advisory Committee at the Somali Artificial Intelligence Institute (SomaliAII). You can explore his publications through his Google Scholar profile here.